Monday, March 11, 2013

Justin Timberlake Goes to Veganville!

Hello Friends,

This week I'm keeping it short and sweet.

I'm so excited to share that my first official writing gig as an RD is now live on the website of Kids Eat Right, a part of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that describes itself as "your source for scientifically-based health and nutrition information you can trust to help your child grow healthy."

The article I wrote is titled "Meet Your Supermarket Dietitian" and in it I discuss how "many supermarket chains are hiring registered dietitians (RDs), food and nutrition experts, to help customers right where they shop." The services offered by supermarket RDs vary but many provide: supermarket tours, cooking demos, tasting events, guided shopping trips and classes on cooking, nutrition, food safety, label reading, product-comparison and budget-shopping. They may also offer private counseling in-store. I've discussed this topic before, here

Now for the fun stuff! This weekend Justin Timberlake joined an elite group of people who have hosted Saturday Night Live five times or more (including the likes of Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin, Tom Hanks, Paul Simon, Chevy Chase, and Candice Bergen). The episode included a hilarious, and even educational, skit called Veganville, in which JT sang about quinoa, kale, the joys of a meatless diet and the benefits of fiber (" make your bowels expedient")...all while dressed as a giant block of firm tofu! Check out the full episode. Veganville comes in around the 18:08 mark, at the start of the third segment.



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