Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I want to let any current and potential readers know that this blog is currently under reconstruction; however, as a new school semester is beginning, and as I will be much more regularly sorting through nutrition news and topics, I may start making semi-regular posts again about topics I'd like to discuss. Also, I want to let you all know that I have decided to pursue a group fitness training certification. In September I will be completing training courses in CPR (American Red Cross) and Group Fitness Training (AFAA). In October I will be attending a Zumba Fitness training course (for more information on Zumba, click here.) This next month also brings my application to the NYU Dietetic Internship. Wish me luck in these current endeavors! Meanwhile, I encourage you to take advantage of the changing of the seasons and, as we head into the fall, give yourself a new challenge to try. Maybe you start a workout routine, or try a new one, or pick one or two changes to your current diet that you would like to make (remember: start small and don't stress if you fall off course along the way!). Finally, I want to introduce you to someone who has really brightened my summer: fitness instructor Kiya Knight. I took Kiya's Zumba class all througout the summer and she is one of the individuals who suggested I consider becoming a certified instructor. Kiya is currently hosting fitness retreats in Costa Rica (for more info see Kiya's website: Weightless by Kiya) but is planning on returning to NYC next spring/summer. I wish you a fun, safe and happy Labor Day weekend!

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