Monday, May 3, 2010

Tips for better sleep

Related to yesterday's  (Sunday, May 2, 2010) post, "Sleep for Weight Control," which discussed reports suggesting that lack of sleep could potentially lead to weight gain and obesity, offers up tips for getting better sleep when dealing with sleep problems, specifically insomnia, in this article by Nora Isaacs. The theory is that stress, and the frenetic pace of daily life, can lead the body to find itself trapped in a constant state of arousal and finding the right "soothing rituals" that work for you can help calm the nervous system so you can get a good night's sleep. Some of the tips in the article include:
  •  Get to bed early - The timing of your sleep is as important as the number of hours you get; getting to bed earlier (before 10PM) and waking up earlier (before 6AM) may help you feel less groggy in the morning
  • Wind-down before bed - Turn off the television and computer and refrain from intense exercise and loud music; instead, put on some soothing music or light candles
  • Journal - If racing thoughts keep you up at night, use a bedside journal to get all those thoughts out of your head and onto the page
For these and other tips, read the full Yoga Journal article here.      

Image: Sarah Kehoe for

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